phl 101 critical thinking


The course emphasizes reading skills such as analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information as well as previewing, finding main ideas and details, summarizing, classifying information and locating signal words. It also focuses on study skills such as time management, memory techniques, note taking and exam taking strategies. In addition, the course explores methods for researching, organizing and writing term papers and for making presentations.  Reading and research assignments address the primary theme of the course, forming an identity.


  1. Recognize components of arguments, types of arguments and validity and soundness of arguments.
  2. Distinguish correct from fallacious forms of reasoning
  3. Analyze and critique both inductive and deductive arguments
  4. Learn to recognize propaganda and efforts at manipulation
  5. Learn to think consciously and deliberately and skillfully in ways that transform oneself
  6. Learn to apply critical thinking to all areas of life to improve and enhance it




Becoming a Critical Thinker (8th Ed.)

Publisher: Cengage (2015)

Author(s): Ruggiero, V. R.

ISBN: 978-12854-3-8597

* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, contact Academic Affairs